I feel tired

Tiring times are upon us. Every day I sink deeper into tasks that I never saw myself doing. And change is exhausting. Even if you’re taking quarantine like a champ, doing positive shit like yoga, and art and reading and cooking, straying from your normal routine is tiring.

Not to say that being tired is a bad thing. Tiring yourself out CAN represent a good days work. Which a good days work also is relative. Right now, to me, a good days work is feeling frustrated at the end of the day because I tried to work or make something. A good days work is feeling proud of getting out some feelings on a canvas or wrapping myself into the characters of a good book. A bad days work is yet to be defined under the new terms.

I stare out the window a lot. Wondering what new feeling each day will bring. Wondering what to DO with myself. My objectives have changed because the worlds objectives have changed. And any one trying to do the same thing right now is just blind. Change for most is fearful. I get it. The future one big hole , hour on the hour, evolving and changing. But given the current circumstances (and reminder that we are indeed not in charge) I say we take a few hits, and pivot. It was time for a shakedown. A little reminder slap that we need to take care of our planet, our neighbors, ourselves and in doing so we’ll change the course of history.

See ya’ll tomorrow.